Thursday 16 February 2017

Blogger PDF widget updated and fixed

We have updated the PDF24 Blogger PDF Widgets. The widgets were broken the last weeks, because Google discontinued some services and that affected the widgets. We have updated the widgets and now we host all the static assets which are used by the widgets on PDF24 content servers. If your PDF widget is currently broken, you should update to the new version.

How to add a PDF widget

To update you widget, you can use the buttons on the PDF widget select page. Just click on one of the widget add buttons to add a widget to your blog.

Your blog benefits if you use this widget

We have also optimized the backend system and we have added a nice benefit for you. If you use the PDF widget in your blog, you can earn some social likes and shared for your articles. The progress popup window contains some social buttons, which are connected with your blog articles and if someone uses one of the buttons, your blog will get the like and share. This is a really cool feature to generate social signals.

PDF Widget Social Buttons
PDF Widget Social Buttons

Stable system

Our system is running for several years now and we have continuously improved it. Now we have a very stable system which generates a lot of PDF files each day from different pages.

This service is free

This widget uses the free conversion service from PDF24 uses this service for the tools on their pages and they have enough resources to make that service for free.

Try it out

Simply give this widget a try. Add one widget to your page. If you do not like it, you can simply remove it. Believe me or not, your visitors will like this feature in your blog. You have nothing to loose. It's free.